Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ragnarok Online

The currency of the game is "zeny", which may be obtained by the selling of items recovered from defeating monsters. The economy in Ragnarok Online is driven heavily by rare items that are not sold in stores and there is a very large difference in wealth between players, for the most part and in part with the effects of the players and discounted items as well as competitive pricing as with most games. The Merchant class offers vending of items to other players, overcharging of items, and even discounts, although the advanced stalker class can get an even larger discount.
There are eight equipment slots - three for headgear (top, middle and bottom), two for accessories, and one of each for shields, weapons, body armor, cloaks and footgear. Currently, only the 3 head pieces show significant external graphic variety. Weapon and shield are the only other items that can be seen externally, but are significantly more limited in variety.

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